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TALBOTT, Richard (fl. 1600; died 1627)
A Plasterer presented by Richard Dungan (23 July 1593), who paid his fines for abling (25 July 1600) and beadleship (3 September 1601). He paid his contribution ‘towards the King’s coming’ (11 August 1604) and when he presented John Wente he was fined for keeping a boy unbound for over six months (1 August 1605). Wente did not complete his apprenticeship and on 14 January 1609/10 Talbott was required to bring his indenture to the next Court meeting to be officially discharged. Talbott was fined for disobedience (28 April 1608) and for evil work in Smithfield (29 July 1608); and at London Stone (21 August 1609). On 30 January 1608 Talbott was paid £5 4s 2d for ‘playsteringe the mount in the walkes’ at Gray’s Inn. [1] This was part of Sir Francis Bacon’s project for enhancing the walks at his own Inn of Court. It seems a sizeable sum for the plasterwork so perhaps the mount was itself ornamented. After the failure of Wente’s apprenticeship Talbott presented only John Campion (12 March 1609/10); John Fisher II, son of a Yorkshire weaver, for 7 years (29 May 1617); and John Smith, son of a Shropshire tailor (25 January 1624/5).
Following the death of his ex-master Richard Dungan in 1609, Talbott’s name begins to appear in the accounts of task-work undertaken for the Royal Works and he subsequently took little part in the affairs of the Company, apart from paying his quarterage and belatedly contributing to the costs of the Irish Plantation (3 June 1613). In 1609-10 he was paid 4s 1½ d for lathing and laying with lime and hair several broken panes in the Queen’s Council Chamber at Westminster, in preparation for the ceremony creating Henry as Prince of Wales. [2] Talbott may have hoped to succeed Dungan as Royal Master Plasterer but, following the appointment of James Leigh I to the post, he had to be content with the reversion, which was granted to him on 12 March 1612/13. [3] While decorative plasterwork remained the province of Leigh himself, Talbott was regularly employed on basic taskwork at various royal sites. At Whitehall in 1614-15, however, his task was less routine. He was renewing the decoration of the ‘shedde of thendes of the greate brake’ with plaster of Paris and blackwork, which sounds like the repair of the kind of ‘antick’ ornament visible in some views of Whitehall. For 714 yards of work at 12d per yard, Talbott was paid £35 14s, the king providing materials. In addition, Talbott was to receive a further 12d per annum to keep the work maintained in good condition. The same year he went with James Leigh to Newmarket, where they worked on numerous ceilings, partitions and walls in old and new lodgings for £80. [4] Talbott returned to Newmarket on his own from 1615-17 and was paid £54 18s 3d for a long list of routine plastering tasks in the new lodgings, the tennis courts and outbuildings. [5] In 1618-19 he was back at Whitehall, blacking the walls of the Close and Little Tennis Courts, earning £5 15s. [6] Together with Abraham Leigh he worked at St James’s Palace for the next two years, lathing and laying with lime and hair the walls, ceilings and partitions in the new buttery and the rooms above it and in the Prince’s lodgings. [7] The king provided scaffolding but for materials and workmanship they were paid £79 4s 2d. At Greenwich, in 1620-21 he was plastering the lodgings of Lord Buckingham and the Lord Steward, for which he received £18 15s 8d; while at Newmarket he was plastering the Prince’s Lodgings for £40 8s 10d, for workmanship and labour only. [8] The work at Newmarket continued into 1621-22 but for a much shorter spell, with earnings of only £2 6s 6d. [9] Back at Greenwich Talbott plastered the walls of the chapel with plaster of Paris in 1622-23; but he was also employed at the Banqueting House in Whitehall, stopping and whiting all the walls, pillars and window splays in the interior of the new building. [10] Talbott provided whiting, size and workmanship and was paid £4 0s 5d but in 1623-24 an additional £2 was paid to him ‘(having formerly bene allowed to little) and nowe allowed unto him in full recompense for the same the some of 40s.’ He was also paid £9 13s 6d for work at the Old Palace of Westminster, which included plastering the ‘greate Compaste Ceeling’ in the King’s Presence Chamber in the Upper Parliament House. (This was in preparation for the painted fretwork design subsequently executed by John de Critz and described as ‘curious stonework in distemper’.) [11] While at Eltham, Talbott and Martin Eastbourne, were plastering the interior and exterior of a new lodge in the Great Park that same year. [12] The following year proved just as busy taking him to the Tower of London, where he was re-plastering the exterior of the Lantern Tower; at St James’s Palace he worked in various lodgings on partitions and a ceiling. The year 1624-25 also saw the retirement (or death) of James Leigh, allowing Talbott to enjoy the reversion of the post of Master Plasterer in the Royal Works. He was paid expenses of 2s per day from 19 January, plus riding expenses and travelling charges. [13] The King’s Lodgings, the Lord Chamberlain’s lodging, the Chapel and the Great Staircase at Dover Castle all required refurbishment in 1625-26 before the arrival of Prince Charles, for which Talbott was paid £85 15s. [14] For this journey he was reimbursed 20s for six days’ travel in addition to his Master Plasterer’s expenses of £36 10s for the year. Talbott was to receive his expenses only once more, covering the period 1 October 1626-31 July 1627. [15]
Despite his extensive employment in the Royal Works Talbott also managed to fit in at least one private client. Sir Lionel Cranfield was having various improvements carried out at Chelsea House c1621 and Talbott received 38s for ‘work by him done about my lord’s study and the newe nursery’. [16] His appointment as Royal Master Plasterer also resulted in his immediate elevation within the Company. Having been admitted to the Livery (12 September 1625) he was raised to the Court of Assistants (24 September 1625) and then given precedence over the whole Company, with the exception of Mr John Allen I and Mr [Richard] Browne (25 January 1625/6). A sum was laid out at The Swan on the occasion of some unspecified business re Mr Talbott (3 February 1625/6). From the accounts of the Royal Works it is apparent that Talbott’s enjoyment of his post was all too short-lived as he died on 31 July 1627. Thereafter his plastering business was taken over by his widow, Margaret Talbott. John Allen’s apprentice, John Barnett, was turned over to her for the remainder of his term (30 August 1627; freed 10 December 1635). Widow Talbott continued to pay arrearage of quarterage until 10 December 1635.
TAYLOR (TAILOR), John (fl. 1614; died 1652)
A Plasterer who was presented by Warden [Thomas] Oldham (26 November 1606). Oldham died soon after and when he was freed, Taylor was described as the apprentice of John Langford who had served his time with Andrew Weldon. In addition to his abling fine, Taylor paid not to serve one year as a journeyman (11 March 1613/14). His beadleship fine followed (29 August 1617) and Taylor paid for his pattern for the Livery (19 October 1621). Despite this rise within the Company hierarchy Taylor was fined and received a reprimand ‘for taking work of a Bricklayer at the White Hart without Bishoppesgate and for taking worke by the greate of a Carpinter at Fleete bridge contrarie to the ordenance of this companie, being warned by Mr Thomas Widmore hee should not medle with it and that it was contrarie to their orders’ (25 January 1625/6). Taylor was elected to serve as Junior Warden for 1630-31 (13 September 1630). He put his mark to the memorandum about rebuilding the Company houses in Great Wood Street (23 April 1631). Robert Betaugh was dismissed as Beadle for abusing Mr Warden Taylor (26 May 1631). Taylor was beaten to the post of Senior Warden at his first attempt (10 September 1632) but was successful for 1633-34 (9 September 1633). By the time of a memorandum about the requisite clothing to be worn at Court and Quarter Day meetings or when attending the Lord Mayor, Taylor was able to sign his name (5 February 1634/5). Taylor received 10s for the work carried out by him providing ‘Cornishing at the Corner howse’ (4 February 1635/6) and another series of payments of £6, £9 and £9 5s for plastering work done at the hall (20 May, 11 June & 28 August 1640). He was unsuccessful in the election of Master for 1638-39 (10 September 1638) but won out the following year (9 September 1639). A fine for absence was levied (1 August 1639). It must have been galling for Taylor as Master to be fined for his bad work at the Company hall the previous year (2 February 1640/1). He incurred fines for lateness (18 February 1640/1 & 13 October 1642), absence (7 May 1641); and bad work (15 January 1645/6)
Taylor seems to have been a successful master, with a high proportion of his apprentices completing their training with him. His first apprentice was William Wood, son of a Berkshire husbandman, for 9 years (25 January 1619/20). He was succeeded by: Bartholomew Ward for 7 years (11 August 1620; freed 3 July 1628); Matthew Smith, son of a Gloucestershire miller, for 7 years (14 June 1627; freed 31 July 1634); Henry Smith was turned over to him from Richard Browne, deceased (25 July 1634; freed 21 August 1635); his son, William, was freed by patrimony at the same time that Thomas Rudgall, son of a Gloucestershire weaver, was presented for 7 years (20 October 1635; freed 26 June 1646); William Downes, son of a Cheshire schoolmaster, and previously apprenticed to Robert Archer, was turned over from Taylor to Thomas Widmore (29 June 1639; freed 21 February 1638/9); Robert Somner, son of a Lancashire yeoman, for 8 years (28 May 1638); Ralph Doogood – aka Toogood – son of a Hertfordshire husbandman, for 7 years (7 November 1639; freed 8 February 1646/7); George Dexter, son of a Leicestershire tailor, was apprenticed to William Taylor for 7 years on 4 June 1641; but was confusingly turned over from his father, John Taylor to Arthur Doogood on 28 May 1644 and freed as William’s apprentice on 10 July 1648. A similar muddle occurred in the case of George Luling, son of a London Apothecary, apprenticed to William for 8 years (4 November 1647) but turned over to Walter Taylor (otherwise unrecorded and probably clerk’s error), as the apprentice of John Taylor, deceased (10 February 1651/2). Taylor had made his will as a parishioner of St Bride’s on 11 November 1648. To his son William he left 20s for a remembrance, which was to be discounted against the debt owed to his father. His brother Phillip was to receive 1s for a remembrance. His friend Robert Warren, an Essex yeoman, was left 5s to buy a pair of gloves and appointed overseer to the will; and his wife Lettice was to receive 20s to buy a ring. The residue of the estate was left to his wife and executrix, Joane Taylor. The will, to which Taylor put his mark, was proved on 23 February 1652. [17]
TERRY, Francis (fl. 1625)
A Plasterer freed by patrimony as the son of Richard Terry (11 February 1624/5), whose name does not appear in the Quarterage Accounts after 1625.
TERRY (TIRRELL, TYRRYE), John (fl. 1579-1602)
A Plasterer presented by William Clarke (4 September 1572). On gaining his freedom he paid ‘for the pore’ as well as his ‘othe’ (12 September 1579). Terry was fined for bad work in Bishopsgate Street (6 April 1582). He paid his beadleship fine (16 August 1583) and presented an anonymous apprentice (31 January 1583/4). William Barnes was his next apprentice (22 May 1584). Terry was allowed to pay a fine for evil work in instalments (2 September 1686), the first of which followed on 13 October 1586. He was fined for ill work at Islington and for not enrolling his apprentice (18 June 1590). An unspecified fine was paid (23 May 1592) and another for ill work in Mugwell Street (27 April 1593). William Terry was presented by him (23 April 1593), followed by Thomas Fowkes (3 December 1595). Thomas Foote (? Fowkes) was turned over to John Hinde (15 July 1597) and Percival Godbeheare was turned over to Terry from Ellis Piggen (2 December 1597). On 23 December 1597 he received his wages as the Company Beadle and he was reimbursed for works carried out to the Company hall (18 February 1597/8). It was decided that his wages as Beadle would be £4 per annum (7 March 1597/8). Patrick Walsh was turned over to him from Robert Betaugh (8 February 1599/1600). Terry was supposed to receive his wages as Beadle quarterly but payments seem to have been erratic (25 July, 13 October 1600) with the final payment recorded on 13 October 1602.
TERRY (TARRIE, TIRREY, TYRREY), Richard (fl. 1580; died 1627)
A Plasterer who paid his abling fine and made a donation for the poor (19 August 1580). He contributed to the cost of the Parliamentary bill concerning artificers (- March 1580/1) and was fined for supplanting [illegible] (27 April 1581). He paid for his bachelorship and was fined for ‘deceyving one Jones of stuff’ (28 July 1581). His beadleship fine was paid (26 July 1582) and he presented his first apprentice, George Ashbridge (4 September 1584). A fine for disobedience was imposed (16 November 1586). Terry entered the Livery and paid for his pattern (31 July 1590). Terry was among the plasterers employed by the Clothworkers’ Company when they were building a new parlour at their hall. He was paid 7s 4d for 5 ½ days’ work on 12 October 1594. [18] A payment of 10s was made by him, possibly in connection with renewed livery (14 August 1598). He was fined for absence on Coronation Day (20 November 1598). Terry served as Junior Warden for 1600-01. His next apprentice was John Huntington, son of a Cumberland yeoman, for 8 years (13 October 1600). An unspecified fine was paid (6 February 1600/1). Humfrey Oliver, son of a Montgomeryshire yeoman, was apprenticed to him for 8 years (12 November 1602); followed by Thomas Terry, son of a Warwickshire yeoman, for 8 years (8 March 1603/4). During his term of office as Senior Warden for 1604-5, the Master requested on Terry’s behalf a donation ‘for his sone at Cambridge towards his charge for comensinge Batcheler of Artes’ and a sum of 40s was agreed (25 April 1605). This was followed by an order made to give financial support to Michael Terry, son of Richard, while he is at Oxford University ‘untill hee be commenced Bacheler Master oute of the sayde universitye’ (25 July 1606). On 5 August 1607 the Company ‘Payde to Michaell Terreye in Benevolence for proceeding in thuniversitye of Oxenforde. Given to the sayde Michaell Terrey in charitye towards buyinge of A booke’ 10s. Another payment was duly made to Mr Terry for his son at Cambridge [sic] (13 October 1607). Terry paid to have his apprentice Huntington freed one year early (6 November 1607) and presented Daniel Bunce (8 June 1608). Terry was among the senior members of the Company who paid 5s towards the cost of the Chancery suit concerning the corner house in Wood Street (2 February 1608/9). His next apprentice was John Stephens, son of a Warwickshire miller (11 June 1612). Terry was fined for ‘evil wordes’ (26 March 1613) and ‘for suffering his man for to pencill certaine brickwork in a peece of work wherein John Lea and he were partners’ (15 March 1615/16). Terry was elected to serve as Master for 1615-16 (11 September 1615). It was noted that Terry had a son whom he was bringing up as a plasterer, and he agreed to take only one apprentice while his son was working for him. His son Robert Terry was then made free by patrimony (30 April 1616). He also paid the fine for releasing Daniel Bunce from his apprenticeship six months early (22 November 1616). Terry put his mark to the memorandum concerning apprentices (23 February 1616/7) and to the agreement concerning the repayment of the Company’s loan from the Chamber of London (23 May 1619). He was one of the senior members appointed to meet the Painter Stainers in order to reach an agreement with them (25 August 1619). Thomas Hudson, son of a York tailor, was apprenticed to him for 8 years (13 October 1619). Richard’s son, Thomas Terry, was made free by patrimony and agreed to serve his father as a journeyman for one year for £8 (3 November 1619). When the retiring Wardens’ accounts were to be submitted to a further audit, Terry was one of the four senior Assistants whose presence was required as witnesses (19 October 1621). Henry, son of Matthew Barrett, Citizen and Plasterer, apprenticed himself to Terry (19 March 1623/4). Richard’s own son, Francis Terry, was freed and paid his abling fine (11 February 1624/5). William Hollins, son of a Warwickshire labourer, was apprenticed for 7 years (3 February 1625/6) and was turned over to Robert Terry following Richard’s death (23 April 1627; freed on 7 February 1632/3). Richard Terry made a nuncupative will ‘on or about 10 April 1627’ in the presence and hearing of Robert Terry and Sara Wilkinson, children of the deceased, and other credible witnesses. The estate was to be divided equally among his children and probate was granted on 20 April 1627. [19]
TERRY (TERRIE), Robert (fl. 1616; died 1657)
A Plasterer made free by patrimony as the son of Richard Terry (30 April 1616). He was able to sign his name ‘Robart Terrey’ to the memorandum concerning apprentices (23 February 1616/17). In April 1627 Robert was one of the witnesses to his father’s nuncupative will (see above). After his father’s death, William Hollins was turned over to Robert for the rest of his term (23 April 1627; freed on 7 February 1632/3). Thomas Debenham, son of an Essex woollen-weaver, was apprenticed to him for 9 years (23 April 1629). On 23 August 1630 the Company ‘laid out about Robert Terry and others’ and Terry, John Prior and Roger Wastney were each fined 13s 4d for taking work by great from a carpenter (9 September 1630). Terry was fined for absence on Quarter Day (22 October 1630). His next apprentice was Peter Ferryman, son of a Warwickshire plasterer, for 7 years (22 March 1632/3); followed by John Parratt, son of a London Clothier, for 8 years (14 March 1637/8; freed 29 June 1648). No reason was given when the Company gave him 10s (18 May 1649). Terry was unsuccessful in the election for the post of Beadle (25 January 1650/1) and his name next appears when he was added to the list of Company pensioners (23 April 1653). He was fined for freeing his apprentice early (14 March 1653/4). On 9 December 1657 Mrs Terry was to be paid 20s ‘for the burial of her husband’ and she, too, became a Company pensioner (23 April 1658).
TERRY, Thomas I (fl. 1612-21)
A Plasterer who was the son of a Warwickshire yeoman, apprenticed to Richard Terry for 8 years (8 March 1603/4). He was made free (4 November 1612) and continued to be listed as Thomas Terry Senior in the Yeomanry in the Quarterage Accounts until 1621.
TERRY, Thomas II (fl. 1619-25)
A Plasterer who was freed by patrimony as the son of Richard Terry. He was listed as Thomas Terry Junior among the Yeomanry in the Quarterage Accounts until 1625.
TERRY (TYRRYE), William (fl. 1600-07)
A Plasterer apprenticed to John Terry (23 April 1593) who paid his abling fine when he became free (25 July 1600), followed by his beadleship fine (1 August 1601). Terry presented his first apprentice, Phillip Romney (22 May 1605). He was fined for evil work (1 August 1605) and William Marshall was fined for buying an apprentice from him, contrary to Company Orders (12 March 1609/10). In the Quarterage Accounts Terry is listed as a member of the Yeomanry until his name is annotated 'dead' in 1607. Widow Terry replaced him in 1608 but was herself noted as ‘dead’ in 1609.
THACKRAY, Thomas (fl. 1571-74)
A Plasterer who paid his beadleship fine on 1 September 1571 and presented Adam Piggen as his apprentice on 29 January 1573/4. Thackray’s name does not appear again but it was noted that Widow Thackbury (probably his widow) was still receiving benevolence (23 April 1608; 22 April 1609), until she was replaced as a quarterly pensioner (26 April 1611).
THOMAS, John (fl. 1570-73)
A Plasterer whose name appears in the Churchwardens’ Accounts of St Alphage Cripplegate in 1570. Thomas worked a total of 12 ½ days in three separate sessions, which earned him 14s 7d; and he was paid another 1s 8d for ‘seling the newe staires’. [20] Thomas was last recorded paying his fine for beadleship on 3 July 1573.
THOMAS, Oliver (fl. 1539-65)
A Plasterer who was employed in the Royal Works at Canterbury in November and December 1539. He was one of the large team whose tasks included burning plaster of Paris in readiness for whiting the King’s lodgings; making floors and plastering ceilings and partitions; yellowing the screen and beams in the great hall and whiting its exterior; red ochreing and pencilling the exterior of the King’s privy lodgings; and roughcasting old stone walls. Thomas was paid at the rate of 8d per day and earned 22s 8d. [21] In 1548 an apprentice he had taken over from William Kyrkland was freed. [22] As a result of the dispute between the English and Irish members of the Company which was taken before the Court of Aldermen in 1554, it was ordered that there should be a Warden from each country and in October it was reported that Thomas was the Senior (English) Warden who had been elected. [23] On 26 March 1565 Thomas was one of the witnesses to the will of Thomas Maltby. [24]
A Plasterer presented by Mr [Thomas] Turner (24 May 1609), who was fined for having turned over his apprentice to John Huntington, contrary to Company Orders (21 August 1609). When Thorneycroft paid his abling fine on becoming free, Huntington was fined for releasing him one year early (27 May 1616). Thorneycroft was able to sign his name to the memorandum concerning apprentices (23 February 1616/17). He remained in the Yeomanry and seems never to have taken an apprentice of his own; and apart from frequent payments of arrearage of quarterage his name does not figure again in the Court minutes until he was in receipt of Benson’s gift, as ‘a lame man’ (13 October 1643). Thorneycroft’s last payment of quarterage was made on 25 March 1646/7.
THORPE, William (fl. 1573-5)
A Plasterer who paid his abling fine (8 August 1573), made a part-payment of his admission fine (13 October 1574) and made a final admission payment on 17 June 1575.
TIPTOE, Robert (fl. 1571)
A Plasterer who paid his admission fine on 1 September 1571 and was among those fined for disobedience on 2 November 1571. Since Tiptoe’s name does not appear in the surviving Quarterage Accounts, which are complete from 1609, it would appear that he died before that date. Widow Tiptoe was among those receiving charity from 25 January 1619/20, until her name was crossed through on 25 January 1630/1.
TOMLIN (TOMLINSON), Richard (fl. 1586-93)
A Plasterer apprenticed to John Laycock (20 November 1579), who paid his abling fine and made a donation for the poor when he was freed (16 November 1586). William Widmore was apprenticed to him (15 June 1593); but it would seem that Tomlin died shortly thereafter as Widmore was presented again by John Langford (20 February 1594/5).
TOWSON, Henry (fl. 1587-1631)
A Plasterer presented by James Stanley (24 June 1580) and freed on 25 July 1587. He paid his beadleship fine (1 September 1587) and presented his first apprentice, Edward Waight (20 October 1592). He next presented Henry Atkinson, son of a London Draper, for 7 years when he was also fined for ill work without Temple Bar (26 July 1601). Towson was fined again for ill work (24 September 1602) and presented his next apprentice, Thomas Hancock, son of a Derbyshire yeoman, for 8 years (23 April 1604). After Hancock was freed on 14 June 1611 Towson presented James Heath, son of a Kent ropemaker, for 8 years (2 August 1611). His son James Towson was freed by patrimony (3 March 1616/17). Towson continued to be listed as a member of the Yeomanry in the Quarterage Accounts until 1631. Charity was given to Widow Towson on 25 January 1646/7 and she may well have been Henry’s widow.
TOWSON, James (fl. 1616-26)
A Plasterer freed by patrimony as the son of Henry Towson (3 March 1616/17). He was recorded in the Court minutes paying arrearage of quarterage on 4 November 1624 and was last listed among the Yeomanry in the Quarterage Accounts for 1626.
TOWSON (TOWERSON, TOWNESON), John (fl. 1597; died 1617)
A Plasterer who must have been among the many apprentices presented anonymously as he is first recorded paying his abling fine (8 April 1597). Towson paid the fine to avoid serving one year as a journeyman in two instalments (15 July 1597 & 27 September 1598). He was fined for keeping a boy unbound for a year (18 February 1601/2); this must have been Edmond Willmott, who was freed as Towson’s apprentice (10 February 1608/9). Towson was fined for ill work in St Bartholomews (5 May 1606) and evil work in Turnmill Street (27 June 1606). His next apprentice was Francis Newham (23 February 1608/9); followed by John Siddowne, son of a Derbyshire cooper, for 7 years (26 August 1614). Towson had acted as a witness to the nuncupative will of William White in 1610. [25] Towson’s own will does not survive but he was living in the parish of St James Clerkenwell at the time of his death and his widow was granted administration of his estate on 5 April 1617. [26] Widow Towson was only listed in the Quarterage Accounts until 1617.
TOYE, Humfrey (fl. 1570)
A plasterer who was employed by the Royal Works on unspecified tasks at Greenwich for 30 days at 12d per day in July 1570. [27]
TROWELL, John (fl. 1613-15)
A Plasterer who was apprenticed to Robert Storey for 8 years (26 February 1606/7). Storey died in 1611 and Trowell’s freedom went unrecorded; but he was listed as a member of the Yeomanry in the Quarterage Accounts from 1613-15.
TURNER, Thomas (fl. 1582; died 1615)
A Plasterer presented by Mr [Robert] Sheppard (6 May 1575) but Sheppard died the following year. He left bequests in his will to his apprentices and to Thomas Turner he left his third best gown. The residue of the estate was to be divided equally between William Piggen, Thomas Turner and Elizabeth, who had been his maidservant. [28] After Sheppard’s death Turner’s apprenticeship was transferred to Thomas Warbishe (25 July 1576). He paid his abling and admission fines (4 July 1582) and a memorandum recorded that he had served as a bachelor (13 October 1582). Turner paid the fine for his beadleship and for his pattern on entering the Livery (9 August 1594). He served as Junior Warden for 1601-2 and was elected as Senior Warden for 1606-7 (15 September 1606). Turner incurred numerous fines: for bad work in Lombard Street (16 August 1583); for bad language (13 November 1584); for setting a man to work before he was bound as an apprentice (2 July 1585); for evil work with John Hopper and evil work on his own at Fenchurch (9 July 1586); ill work (9 September 1591); ill work (10 November 1598); ill work in St Bartholomews and in ‘the Duke’s place’ (8 February 1598/9); in Nightingale Lane (28 April 1600); ill work at Creechurch (12 December 1600); ill work in the Duke’s place, again (3 November 1601); ill work without Aldgate (11 November 1603). Turner’s first apprentice was Walter Hallam (1 February 1593/4). He was followed by William Lucas, son of a Warwickshire yeoman, for 7 years (3 November 1601); Robert Newett, son of a Bedfordshire yeoman, for 8 years (23 April 1604); Turner paid for turning over William Carter and presented Edward Gladdin (26 March 1607); Mr [Richard] Stephenson’s apprentice was turned over to him (6 August 1608); he presented Humphrey Thorneycroft (24 May 1609) and was fined for turning him over to John Huntington contrary to Orders (21 August 1609). On the same date John Shambrooke was fined for turning his apprentice over to Turner. Turner was one of the many plasterers recruited to beautify the hall of the Merchant Taylors’ Company prior to a royal visit on Election Day in 1607. [29] Turner was in receipt of charity (25 February 1612/13) and was to receive 5s quarterly ‘in regard of his povertie’ (23 April 1613). This was increased to a pension, on the same grounds (21 May 1613). On 24 April 1615 it was recorded that the Company had paid for the burial of Mr Turner.
TWISTE, Robert (fl. 1569)
A plasterer working in the Royal Works at Eltham Palace between May and July 1569. The plasterers were mending and then whiting various walls and ceilings in the Queen’s lodgings. Twiste worked for 45 days at 12d per day. [30]
TYFFYN, Nicholas (died 1563)
A Plasterer who made his will as a parishioner of St James Garlickhythe on 17 October 1563. He made his bequests as follows: 10s was left to the poor of his parish; his apprentice, Matthew Colwell, was to be given one year off his term, provided he served Widow Tyffyn until then and was to receive ‘ten hundredth of lathe’ immediately; to his brother William he left a sword, a steel dagger and doublets of taffeta and buckskin; his brother Richard [Tyffyn] was to receive a satin doublet, a gown faced with budge and his best hose; George Murfett was left two gowns, a pair of hose and a sackcloth doublet; his sister Ellyn Mortymer was to receive 40s; his sisters Margaret Murfett and An…es Tyffyn were left 10s each. The residue of the estate was to go to his wife and sole executrix Alice, with his brothers William and Richard acting as overseers. [31]
TYFFYN, Richard (fl. 1549; died 1572)
A Plasterer, son of a Yorkshire husbandman and apparently the brother of Nicholas Tyffyn, who was apprenticed to Robert Sheppard for 7 years and was freed 1549-50. [32] At some time in the years 1558-60 Tyffyn was accused before the Court of Aldermen of conspiring with two of his apprentices to allow them to work for themselves until they were due to be freed, when he would have them presented as his apprentices. They were to agree to pay £15 per annum for the arrangement. As a result Tyffyn was disenfranchised and the Company Warden, John Street, was ordered to find new masters for the apprentices. [33] Tyffyn was working as the Master Plasterer with a small team at Lincoln’s Inn in 1568. He was employed from 21 February – 19 June on the new buildings there at 14d per day. [34] Tyffyn presented John Collyar as an apprentice (4 September 1572). Tyffyn had made his will on 2 November 1572, asking to be buried in the churchyard of St Alban Wood Street and for his debts to be paid, especially the £20 he owed to Richard Brigges. He left money [too blotted to read the amount] to the poor of the parish and released his apprentice Edward Harrison from his final year. To John Baldocke, a carpenter, he left his best gown and satin doublet. His two sons-in-law and their children were to receive his cottage with its appurtenances and garden in Silver Street, Edelineton, Middlesex, to cover the £30 owing to them. If it was valued below £30, the difference was to be paid to them after valuation by independent assessors. The residue of the estate was left to Margaret Murfett, his sister and executrix. [35] The will was proved on 8 November 1572 and on 5 December 1572 it was noted that the Company had spent money at Mr Tyffyn’s burial.
TYRRELL, John (fl. 1579-97)
A Plasterer who was presented by William Clarke I (4 September 1572) and who made a donation for the poor on taking his freedom oath (12 September 1579). His beadleship fine was paid (16 August 1583) and Percival Godbeheare was turned over to him from Ellis Piggen (2 December 1598). On 23 December 1597 Tyrrell was paid his wages as the Company Beadle, the last occasion on which his name appeared in the Court minutes.
[1] Honorable Society of Gray’s Inn: Ledger Book A, f. 72v.
[2] TNA E 351/3244.
[3] State Papers Domestic: James I (1611-18), Vol. LXVIII/72.
[4] TNA E 351/3249.
[5] TNA E.351/3250-1.
[6] TNA AO 1/2422/49.
[7] TNA AO 1/2422/49-50.
[8] TNA E 351/3254.
[9] TNA E 351/3255.
[10] TNA E 351/3256.
[11] TNA E 351/3258.
[12] TNA E 351/3257.
[13] TNA E 351/3258.
[14] TNA E 351/3259.
[15] TNA E 351/3260.
[16] Centre for Kentish Studies: U 269/1, AP43.
[17] TNA PROB 11/220.
[18] The Clothworkers’ Company: Quarter and Renter Wardens’ Accounts: CL/D/5/3.
[19] LMA DL/C/B/007/MS 09172/38, will no. 65.
[20] LMA P69/ALP/B/006/MS 01432/002.
[21] Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson D.779, ff. 32 r & 53r.
[22] C Welch (translator & ed), Register of Freedoms in the City of London in the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, London (1908), p. 71.
[23] LMA COL/CA/01/014.
[24] LMA DL/C/B/007/MS 09172/6A, will no. 58.
[25] LMA DL/C/B/004/MS 09171/021, f. 304.
[26] LMA DL/AL/C/001/MS 09050/005, f. 73.
[27] Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson A.195.C, f. 175r.
[28] LMA DL/C/B/004/MS 09171/16, f. 268.
[29] LMA CLC/L/MD/D/003/MS 34048/009.
[30] Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson A.195.C, ff. 212v & 220v.
[31] LMA DL/C/B/007/MS 09172/56, will no. 35.
[32] C Welch (translator & ed), Register of Freedoms in the City of London in the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, London (1908), p. 50.
[33] LMA COL/CA/01/016, f. 484 and COL/AD/01/019, f. 41r.
[34] The Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln’s Inn. The Black Books. Vol. I. From AD 1422 to AD 1586, Licoln’s Inn (1897), Appendix 1, p. 448.
[35] LMA DL/C/B/004/MS 09171/016, f. 110r.